JR Rent-A-Car

JR Rent-A-Car

Hiroshima Location


Go toward west from the path between JR Hiroshima Station and Hotel Gravia Hiroshima; or you can search Hiroshima Shop on map apps.


HIROSHIMA  Matsubara-cho 1-2, Minami Ward, Hiroshima

Google map

Business hour


Always open

Shuttle Service


Other Information

Only 50 meters from the JR Hiroshima Station grounds, this location is quite convenient to get to.

Cars are standardly equipped with in-vehicle ETC card readers and navigation devices.
ETC cards are available for rental (320 JPY per rental per card).

Studless snow tires must be requested ahead of time. As such, we cannot always guarantee their availability.
* Additional fee for tire rental: 1080 JPY/24 hours

We ask that customers wishing to rent ETC cards or studless snow tires send an inquiry to rentacar.com.

We wholeheartedly await your next visit.